To apply for participation at CANTA EN ANDALUCÍA, choirs and vocal ensembles must provide the requested documentation by completing and submitting the online application form before November 1st 2018.
Please note that sending the application and documentation does not guarantee the participation in the festival. A qualified board of experts will review all proposals and emit a decision only after ensuring the artistic and technical quality sufficiency to participate in the International Festival for Choirs and Vocal Ensembles “CANTA EN ANDALUCÍA 2018”.
The following materials should be prepared in advance of completing the online application. You will be asked to provide them as a part of the application process:
- A short biography of the choir
- A biography of the choir’s conductor.
- A repertoire proposal.
- A recent colour photo of the choir or vocal ensemble. This will be used in programmes and for publicity purposes.
- Recent recordings. You may include links to selections; preferably of contrasting styles (YouTube or similar video platforms are also welcome).